Movie Synopsis: White (2011)
Title : White: The Curse of The Melody
Year : 2011
Genre : Horror
Country : Korea
Runtime : 145 mins
Casts : Ham Eun Jung, Jin Se Yeun, Choi Ah Ra, May Doni Kim, Hwang Woo Seul Hye, dan Pyeon Jung Su.
Pink Dolls is a Korean girl group who's trying so hard to be on top of Korean music chart. When they move to a new place, Eun Joo (Eun Jung) finds a video named 'White'. The management company then decides to use that song for their next single. Since 'White' was sang by a solo singer, the talent agent (Jung Su) chooses a main vocalist to sing most part of the song and wear white wig. First pick goes to Jenny (Jin Se Yeun). She drinks a lot of herbal medicines for her health and voice. But when she trains at night, Eun Joo finds her hanging with wire on her neck.
The second person that got picked is A-rang (Choi Ah Ra). She's very concern about her beauty, so when she's getting burn in her skin because she thinks someone poison her makeup products, she starts to stress out. At the shooting day, she needs to put small camera in her waist where she needs to turns around many times. She gets dizzy and sees white-hair ghost that causes an accident.
The third choice is Shin Ji (May Doni Kim) who is dancing machine. She's well-known for her 'neck-roll' dance. She joins a survival reality show where she must overcome several obstacles. She goes outside the building and many fans are running towards her. Her hair gets stuck, then she falls with her head crushed.
Eun Joo is the last member. With her best friend, Soon Ye (Hwang Woo Seul Hye), she starts to look for information about why other members got accident after being picked as the main vocalist. By watching the 'White' video, listening the song and asking others, they conclude that Jang Ye Bin (the singer) started a fire and killed herself after getting bullied by other trainees. She also had some scars in her face. Eun Joo and Soon Ye think they already resolved the problem. But they are wrong!
At the last minute, Soon Ye finds out that the original singer was not Jang Ye Bin, but other trainee. Jang Ye Bin bullied her and stole her song. Eun Joo dies after getting first place and performing at the music event that she always dreamed of.
It's definitely a good horror movie and worth to watch. Everything went well together. I got surprised and scared at some scenes. But I gotta say that it's weird for those first three members to heal completely after the accident that they had. But it's forgiveable :p. For Ham Eun Jung fans who love horror movies, White is a movie that they should watch. :)
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