Facial Mask
Ahhh..long time no blog! :p
Aniway, lately I've been interested on using facial mask. As I'm getting older, I realize that daily skincare routine is not enough. Our skin needs more nutrients. I tried several types of facial mask in order to know the process and result.
Source: bkush.com
Generally, there are 4 types of facial mask that can be choose.
1. Powder Facial Mask
If you choose this type of mask, the main things that you need are small bowl and water. You need to mix facial mask powder and water in a bowl before applying it to your face with brush. To be honest, since I'm a super simple person, I don't really enjoy using powder facial mask. It's also important to make sure that the ratio is right, so the mixture won't be too thick or too fluid.
2. Cream Facial Mask
I love this type of mask because it's easy to use. You only need a brush to apply it to your face. With tube packaging, there's no need to worry about having too much or too little mask. You can control it on your own. The thing is you must wash your face with warm water after the mask dries while massaging it. Make sure your face is clean! Same thing goes for powder facial mask.
3. Paper Facial Mask
It's a type of paper that contains skin nutrients. This type of mask is the easiest one. You just need to put open it and put it on your face. After 15-20 minutes, you can take it off and massage you face in order to let the nutrients get absorbed by your skin. Fast and easy! But you should remember that it's the most expensive type of face mask. And you can only use it once.
4. Home-made Facial Mask
There are a lot of natural ingredients that can be used for face mask, like yoghurt, oatmeal, honey, coffee, strawberry, lemon, cucumber, tomato and much more. It depends on your skin type and result that you want. You might need more time and effort to make it, but you can really get good result if using it regularly.
Personally, I prefer to use cream facial mask regularly because of its easiness, paper facial mask at night before a special day and home-made facial mask when I have the ingredients on my fridge. :p
Choose the facial mask type that you want and do it regularly! That way, you can enjoy the result on your skin faster and better. Happy masking! :)
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